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Allies and Team

light blue paw prints

It takes a village.

Never were those words truer than at PAW Alliance! As an all-volunteer animal-welfare nonprofit with two very different programs, we need all the fellow villagers who might out there. We know them when we see them. Come join us, as volunteers, adopters, and fosters.

lines representing prison bars
Prison program staff
New Leash on Life logo

Forsyth Correctional Center New Leash on Life Team 

Program Manager Chuki Martin

Program Director Tangee Williams

Warden Steven Niday

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Board of Directors

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Matt Dyson
Secrtary, Treasurer

Buster dog image

Candide Jones

Andrea Kurtz dog
Andrea Kurtz

Andrea Kurtz

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Phillip Nevels
At Large

Tirso Martinez
At Large

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Mick Scott

At Large


Rolando Valle
At Large

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Stacy Wagner
Vice President, 
Volunteer Coordinator


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We remember and honor Loretta Elliott, our co-founder, vice president, and adoption counselor since we began PAW Alliance in 2017.  She joined NLOL when another animal welfare agency managed it in 2011, after adopting her beloved NLOL dog, Zoe. She and the devotion she gave keep her in our hearts, always. 

We also honor Danny Rawley, a former prison trainer who joined our board and helped us with his unique understanding of prison dog-training. He remains a beloved and revered advisor.

Winston-Salem Dog Training Club Instructors

Cindy Fitzgerald

Cindy Fitzgerald

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Debbie Golden

Louise Mowbray lead instructor

Louise Mowbray

Lead Instructor

Cindy Naylor

Cindy Naylor

Catherine Rutter instructor

Catherine Rutter


PAW Alliance works with animal shelters and forms alliances with area nonprofits to help people and pets most in need. We love working with all our partners. Among our partners are AARF, Davie County Animal Services, Forsyth County Animal Shelter, Friends of Stokes Shelter (FOSS), Stepping Stones Canine Rescue, Wilkes Rescue Group, Yadkin County Humane Society, among others.


Piedmont Animal Welfare Alliance dog looking hopeful

Our thanks to all, especially:


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Family Services of Forsyth County logo
Forsyth County Animal Shelter logo
Humane Solutions logo
stepping stones canine rescue logo
UNWI logo
Yadkin County Humane society logo
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