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Because Everyone Deserves A Second Chance

We couldn't do this without your help.

Woman and cat nose to nose, smiling
major credit cards logos

Because Everyone Deserves A Second Chance

Jacob adopted dog image
PAW Alliance logo - standing up for the underdog

The Piedmont Animal Welfare Alliance (PAW Alliance) is an all-volunteer animal welfare / social justice nonprofit in Forsyth County, NC.  We envision a world where no person or animal will be thrown away, and our mission is to make our community one where all pets and people have safe and loving homes. 


We partner with the Forsyth Correctional Center, a minimum-security men’s prison and the Winston-Salem Dog Training Club in A New Leash on Life, a N.C. state prison dog-training program. We also form alliances with area rescue groups to help dogs most in need.


We also collaborate with Family Services Forsyth County in A New Start in Life, supporting domestic violence survivors and the pets they love. We offer foster care or safe lodging to pets while the survivor is in the domestic violence shelter. 


EIN:  82-2562731


Our Programs


A New Leash on Life (NLOL) is a N.C. state prison dog-training program, where both dogs and inmates get a second chance. Our dogs live and work with qualifying inmate-trainers for 10 weeks, learning nice manners and obedience, house and crate training, and basic agility.

New Leash Final program logo - man walking dog outside of bars
New Start on Life logo with pets looking up


PAW Alliance partners with Family Services of Forsyth County in A New Start in Life (NSIL) supporting interpersonal violence survivors and their pets. Many victims won’t leave the home, for fear their pets will be abused if they leave—if they haven’t been already—and often abusers use pets as hostages. If the victim does leave and finds a safe shelter, pets are rarely allowed. 



We are a all-volunteer nonprofit. EIN:  82-2562731   We receive no federal, state, local, United Way or other support, and we depend on animal lovers and social justice champions like you to keep us going.


We are an all-volunteer organization. 100%—One Hundred Percent—of your donation goes directly to the actual program costs of both A New Leash on Life and A New Start in Life. If you wish, you may specify to which program you want to contribute, or simply donate, knowing we will use it where it is most needed.


Please donate today.



Adopted Ozzie comfortable on couch
Paw print graphic with heart in the center

Or consider sending us a gift with a check addressed to

PAW Alliance, PO Box 26661, Winston-Salem, NC 27114.

You’ll receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Thank you!

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